
Artist Alley Preparation 6.5.17

LESS THAN TWO WEEKS UNTIL AMA HOLY COW This past two months is extremely slow due to testing season, but I’m finishing prints as fast as possible while trying to study for some finals *sobs* Sai kept crashing on me, and I wanna throw my laptop out the window I actually drew something decent and it’s gone now I hate this so much.

I decided that I’m only selling prints and stickers this year. Couldn’t fit the idea and savings for a button maker this year, but it’s A-OK. This year, I’m drawing more smaller prints over huge posters like last year, and I’m bringing some prints from last year. I’m also working on hand-drawn stickers, but I hate how my drawings are ridiculously small.

I’m familiar with the area of the new con location, though I’ll still get lost…

Follow my Twitter for updates on con prep!



I rarely share my works and stuff through blogs, but here’s a few of the many wips I’m working on! Follow my social medias to see my works, although my hands are full of tests and exams for the time being agh

Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr| Art Amino


Or check out the Digital Art and Traditional Art tab on the sidebar for some, but not every one of my sketches and completed works will be on there

Artist Alley Preparation 2.15.17

I now have a PayPal, so I’m now doing digital commissions, and I’ll be able to accept both traditional and digital commissions at AMA. If you’re interested in commissions at the moment, please check it out here!

So, my current list of fanart I want to do for the convention: Blood Blockade Battlefront (yay for 2nd season), Pokemon, Funamusea (currently trying to gain permission), OFF, Yume Nikki, Hannibal(?), Touhou, Zero Escape, and Berserk. Of course, I plan on doing some originals, as well. Continue reading


February Update 2.8.17

Slowly recovering financially.. I’m trying to get a job at a newly opened cafe nearby, so I can help out my family and deal with unpaid bills. I’m gonna try to go to my local bookstore to trade in my old books and see if that will give me a fair deal.

I recently made a Redbubble account, so I’ll occasionally make some of my art for sale as phone cases and skins, notebooks, and pouches; if you’re interested in buying some of my art on the site, but not in the product that you want, get in touch with me on any of my social medias, and I’ll try to add it in. Here’s some examples of my products as of now:

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Artist Alley Preparation 1.14.17

Today’s a good day to write; it’s Saturday, exams are cancelled, my grades are stable— ahh it’s great. Got some progress for artist alley:

I’ll be bringing prints from last year to sell for a much lower price because I never realized they were misprinted (Costco sets saturation on default and some of the prints were cropped, not showing the full art); it was just a mess, and they need to go.

This year, I want to bring a variety of merch to sell, so I wrote down a broad list of items I might consider trying out this summer:

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January Update 1.6.17

Slowly getting things ready for AMA this summer and currently have around 5 pieces finished. I don’t wanna start preparing later cause I’m super slow, and I stayed up the day of the con to finish things I should’ve finish way before con day. I’m remembering all the embarrassing things I did last year ahhh I hope I do better this year.

I ordered new business cards with updated social media info and will use for the next couple of years yay. They’ll be here in a couple of day— I’ll make a blog about it later.

I’m constantly trying to improve my art, but I have to step away from my laptop and Wacom now that school is pushing me harder than usual this year, but I’m currently working on expanding the type of products I’ll make this year OvO

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October Update 10.19.16

It’s been a while since I posted an update!  Got some things to mention about current situations and upcoming months. I suck at these things ; v ; WordPress isn’t blocked on school wifi, so I can write a bit more when I have time during class

There’s so many art I have to finish for people, and I was supposed to finish them a month ago, but I was struggling with my grades; I know it shouldn’t be an excuse, but I’m weighted down with homework, quizzes, and a project due tomorrow kill me now

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The (Almost) Complete Guide to Dating a Fujoshi

!!! Before I begin, remember that yaoi should not be compared to real life homosexual relationships. They’re just fantasies of a fujoshi’s mind. And I don’t think I’ll cover everything you should know about one. This can be a guide to a Fudanshi, as well?? Just some tips from a Fujoshi. Oh, this is gonna be a pretty long post, too ~(・ω・)~ This can also apply to friends and that one cousin in the family. Oh and this took me about 6 months to write.

Congratulations! You are now in a relationship with a Fujoshi/Fudanshi! Now, you’re probably wondering: “Man, what is a Fujoshi?” “Is this going to be a bad relationship?” “Why does my significant other sometimes laugh like a pervert?” Well, I’m here to provide an answer for almost all of these questions! On this post, I will be covering on the following topics:

  • What is a Fujoshi?
  • What is BL/yaoi/shounen ai?
  • There’s different types of yaoi?
  • What should I do/shouldn’t do?
  • Are all Fujoshi the same?
  • My SO (significant other) is saying weird nonsense
  • I don’t want my SO to be a Fujoshi/Fudanshi…

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First Con Experience: Anime Mid Atlantic 2016

Hey! So, I just came back from my first con weekend (about 2 months ago; I didn’t have time to write this), and it was indeed tiresome.  Didn’t think three days can wear me out that badly; I ended up sleeping for 4 days haha. And I still haven’t unpacked!!

We were running a bit late on the first day (around 3 hours late), and the night before, we had this huge thunderstorm that knocked out our power, so it wasn’t a pleasant start. I ran into some problems when I went to pick up my badge, but I got that sorted out. I’m such a mess QvQ

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June Update 6.16.16

I have some quick updates along with a full schedule of things I mustn’t get out of order with!!

I’ve joined two art sites and social media, if you want to check out more of my art and stuff! You can now watch my live streams with weird music choices in the background. I will do live streams on Picarto, and all of my streaming reminders are posted on my Art Amino account; I’ll try to schedule it ahead of time, but some will be sudden. And if you don’t have Art Amino, then you can follow my Picarto account. You will receive live stream alerts through email or from the app.

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