Artist Alley Preparation 2.15.17

I now have a PayPal, so I’m now doing digital commissions, and I’ll be able to accept both traditional and digital commissions at AMA. If you’re interested in commissions at the moment, please check it out here!

So, my current list of fanart I want to do for the convention: Blood Blockade Battlefront (yay for 2nd season), Pokemon, Funamusea (currently trying to gain permission), OFF, Yume Nikki, Hannibal(?), Touhou, Zero Escape, and Berserk. Of course, I plan on doing some originals, as well. Continue reading

January Update 1.6.17

Slowly getting things ready for AMA this summer and currently have around 5 pieces finished. I don’t wanna start preparing later cause I’m super slow, and I stayed up the day of the con to finish things I should’ve finish way before con day. I’m remembering all the embarrassing things I did last year ahhh I hope I do better this year.

I ordered new business cards with updated social media info and will use for the next couple of years yay. They’ll be here in a couple of day— I’ll make a blog about it later.

I’m constantly trying to improve my art, but I have to step away from my laptop and Wacom now that school is pushing me harder than usual this year, but I’m currently working on expanding the type of products I’ll make this year OvO

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Artist Alley, a Broken Laptop, and…Cosplay?

Snow poured down pretty hard the last few days, which caused the school to close for a couple of extra days, yay. So, no midterms exams for the year, double yay! But we have a full day on Friday and Monday, which was supposed to be a half day and break; I have to do volunteering on Monday ugghhhh

Well, since the snow melted down a bit yesterday, I finally got to put my form and payment for Anime Mid-Atlantic’s artist alley in the mailbox. I seriously hope this turns out fine. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now, so I’m hoping I can sell plenty of prints, talk to and make new friends to improve my social skills, and just so many other things I want to accomplish. So far, the cost to get in is already something to make up for the price (around $120-130 depending on which day you turn in the money). I don’t want to send the convention coordinator any other questions since I think I annoyed them with so much already…

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FedEx Business Card Review

About a month ago, FedEx had a holiday sale for their business cards, making them $10.00 (+ tax) for 250 cards. This lasted until the 31th of December last year. Upon being accepted to the artist alley in Anime Mid Atlantic, I took advantage of the sale and ordered myself some cards last minute. There’s still much more planning along the way, but at least I got business cards out of the way.

Though I hurried myself before the end of the sale, this is the design I went with: 

I didn’t really know how much information I wanted to add…

So, the rubric/grading scale as followed:

  • Cost
  • Shipping
  • Condition
  • Outcome

Date ordered: December 31, 2015
Date received: January 6, 2016

I was waiting for this to arrive since last year!

The cost was why I went to take the opportunity to buy cards; it was pretty cheap for a set of 250 while the set of 500 was still the same price (around $39.99?). The price will change if you apply different features to your card, like if you want to add a design on the back or have glossy paper. Matte (not premium matte) is included and free and so is a blank backside. You could have went around that price by buying two sets of 250 and only pay $20, but I didn’t do that, but I think I should have, knowing that AMA has quite a number of participates. But I need to watch my payments and budgets for this con.

Shipping was free yay. It had 7-day shipping and arrived a day early. It was pretty dark outside when it was delivered to my door, but what pulled up was a UPS truck? I wasn’t really sure.
Shipping: ★★★★★

So, I have my package and it came in this white box inside a cardboard one. Super secured, nice.

And then, the cards.. 

 So, I don’t have any other tabletop use cause they’re crowded with cosplay stuff.

The cards were lined up nicely and there were no dents or visible damage to them. They look freshly cut and placed into the box with about two inches of space. It looked like I bought a set of 500 instead, but it was probably just the thickness of the cards.

I wanted to test the cards’ durability and placed on in my coat pocket as I went to school. I have a habit of keeping my hands in my coat pockets like it’s stuck there, so I guess that adds to the damage? After 8 hours, the card only had minor dents on the corners. I tried bending it a little, but still no crucial damage, so it’s pretty durable.
Condition: ★★★★★

Now, onto the outcome of the design! The image was cropped just a bit, but I knew beforehand when I looked at the cards on the verification page so I positioned the image further down because it would shift up for some reason; saved the text on the bottom of my card from being cut off. The color difference isn’t too bad, but it may look big because of the horrible lighting. The overall image wasn’t too ‘grainy’ since I set the resolution to around 2000 to 3000 RIP my computer. I could only see the blurry parts if I shove my eyes right in the card in intense lighting, like, “oooh I see a cell”. The texts were kind of runny, but it was readable overall.
Outcome: ★★★★☆

No physical copy of a receipt? Don’t get me wrong; I like how the cards turned out, but if anything were to happen, like if they accidentally sent me the wrong cards or something, then I can refer back to a receipt sent along with the package.

Nevertheless, I think that Fedex is a great choice for printing business cards. They were my first experience with printing cards, and to me, they are really simplistic and straight forward with their steps to constructing the cards you want; you can make your card horizontal or vertical. If you don’t have a design to make your cards, FedEx provides many templates, texts, and clip art to use for your preference.
Overall: ★★★★★

I’ve heard of Vistaprint and MOO, but the pricing was over exceeding over my budget for business cards alone. But, I heard that their quality is superb.

I could have sworn I saw a UPS truck passing by to drop off a FedEx product…

Note: I would appreciate it if you do not use my email for anything other than art or business related comments and/or questions. Please do not send threats, spam, or other kinds of nonsense not needing for this contact.